“Where the Rosary is recited there will be days of peace and tranquility.” - St. John Bosco
Holy men and women throughout the ages have emphasised the importance of saying the Rosary daily. St. Louis Marie de Montfort said:
“[n]ever will anyone who says his Rosary every day be led astray. This is a statement that I would gladly sign with my blood.”
Woah, that’s intense! Saint Pio of Pietrelcina referred to the rosary as “THE WEAPON” and this man bled from his hands and feet for over fifty years! Sr. Lucia of Fatima said that,
“[t]here is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot solve by the prayer of the holy Rosary.”
She was informed about the power of the Rosary by Our Lady of the Rosary herself!
This holy devotional that Saint John Paul II described as a “prayer both so humble and simple and theologically rich in Biblical content” was given to you and me as our weapon against the devil. St. Louis Marie de Montfort even said,
“[n]ever will anyone who says his Rosary every day become a formal heretic or be led astray by the devil.”
Although many Catholics have the “head” knowledge of the power of the Rosary, some of us (myself included) struggle to put it into practice. How can we utilise this weapon in everyday life?

Here are some ideas to help make the Rosary more alive in your life!
Start with a week. Say the Rosary for 7 days straight for a special intention.
Have a prayer partner: someone you can pray with and keep you accountable for praying the Rosary daily. You can plan to meet on Saturdays to pray physically together at your local church, or you can go on a Rosary walk together in nature.
Is your significant other’s love language Quality Time? What better way to spend quality time than to invite your beloved to pray a beautiful Rosary together.
Do you want to spend more quality time with your family? Pray the Rosary together. Let your kids say their intentions so you can hear their little hearts. Let them hear your intentions for others, so as to develop a giving mindset.
Have no one to pray with? Ask your Guardian Angel to pray with you! They are always by your side.
Be creative. Find a picture of Mary, a candle, a Cross, and other holy objects to put in a 'Rosary box'. You can set up a beautiful prayer altar for your Rosary time. If you have young children, get them to set up the items. Are you musical? Make up a melody to sing the Rosary.
Play the Rosary on YouTube. Ascension Presents has a Rosary video, but there are also so many other options to play and pray along with.
Do you drive or take public transport to work? Invite Our Lady to sit with you in your passenger seat (yes, take your lunch bag off) or in the seat next to you on the train. Say the Rosary together.
Need more practice in self control? Instead of watching your favourite Netflix show or scrolling through your IG feed, pray the Rosary. Offer up your time praying the Rosary in reparation for sins against the Immaculate Heart.
The devil is real, and he “prowls around, looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). If you want the devil to get behind you, pray the Rosary. Imagine him melting like the witch in The Wizard of Oz when you say “Hail Mary!”
Comforter Of The Afflicted
I want to share a beautiful story of how Our Lady makes herself known through the Rosary. I once accompanied a colleague to meet with an inmate at the local Remand Centre. Our role was to assess and provide community support for a young woman’s release.
Through the glass, I could see that this poor woman was hurting. Along with an agitated tone of voice, she repeatedly shifted nervously in her chair and was showing evasive eye contact. This eventually became an event of hysteria as she processed the reality of her situation.

While all this was happening, she appeared to unconsciously reach into her shirt and pull out a plastic Rosary she was wearing around her neck. What happened next defied expectation: as she held the Rosary tightly in her hand, she slowly began to lower her voice and was calm by the end of the visit.
Wow! What a moment! Our Lady was holding this woman! No wonder we call Our Lady the “comforter of the afflicted.” Like a mother, she comes to us in our most desperate times.
As the month of October comes to a close, may we continue to grow in our relationship with our Lady through mindful recitation of the Holy Rosary. May we come to know Jesus in the most humble and perfect way: through His most blessed Mother, Mary.
“The Rosary is a prayer both so humble and simple and a theologically rich in Biblical content. I beg you to pray it.”
- St. John Paul II